The job of a data scientist is definitely not as easy as it might seem to be. It definitely finds a place in the category of ‘most challenging roles’, from the ones that are out there. In the following article, the objective is to try and identify the roles and responsibilities that go along with the job. The focus is to identify the skills needed to become a successful professional in the highly demanding domain of data sciences.


For a data scientist it is extremely essential to be able to identify and analyse the working of an organization. This includes the identifying the fallbacks and areas where the organization’s operations and working mechanisms can improve and more efficiency can be achieved. So the first and foremost role of a data scientist is to recognize the areas of improvement and discovering ways to address them.


The second and an equally important feature that determines the success of a data scientist is the magnitude to which he or she is content with coding. Thus, coding is something that should come naturally to him and programming is a passion. Since Java forms the backbone for any form of programming these days, thus it is preferred that the candidate is well-versed with it. Otherwise, usually any form of basic programming proficiency is sufficient to help an executive become adept at the role of a data scientist. Coding and Machine Learning, thus, form the prerequisites for any type of data sciences role.


The most essential feature is learning and mastering the art of time management. Allocating the right amount of time to the different activities during the course is crucial.  Apart from the ones mentioned above, knowledge of arithmetic and a knack for number is valued. Since, large amounts of data needs to be analysed from time to time, and the same have to be then interpreted using the apt visualization technique, basic knowledge of the above makes adapting to the highly prestigious domain extremely lucrative.


Other minor skills like being able to effectively mange a database and decent communication skills make the profile more attractive for recruiters.

These skills might not necessarily be inculcated before the job is taken up. These can be inculcated as a part of the on-the-job training as well. Thus, it is essential that an executive should have a positive and seeking bent of mind to learn and adapt to new habits and the ever changing and dynamic business environment. Thus one must always present themselves in an honorary and a confident manner and keep the fire of curiosity burning.

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